I still have reserved feelings about this place--there is the obvious western influence which made it so different from the other Pacific Islands that we had just visited.
This has to be the smallest island ever--I expected to see Robinson Carusoe waving his flag at us.
We visited another Catholic Church (included in the tour) and this one was very much a modern one compared to the others that we had seen.
This Christmas tree was in the foyer of the Aquarium and the decorations were fish related and to do with the sea--very appropriate.
When the people who had got off and went shopping got back to the ship not one person had a good word to say about it- they said it was very unfriendly--glad we didn't go.
Sounds like this was another example of westernisation not proving to be a good thing. Lovely to see the graffiti art though
Sad that the modernisation and prosperity of that little island had altered the nature of it's people.
The modern church is still beautiful. Thanks for sharing your cruise with us but I'm glad I wasn't with you as heat and humidity make me feel quite ill.
I've enjoyed the armchair travel through your blog, commentary and photos! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your holiday Doreen - such fun to see all the sights through your eyes. It's the closest I will ever get to the area!
You have seen lovely places, one or two I also know. During your cruise I made buttons thanks to your blog. I love them.
Great armchair ride Doreen, so glad you had really good weather, even if it was hot and humid - much better than a cyclone! Cheers
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