Wednesday, April 14, 2010

TAST Week 7 Rope Stitch

The Stitch for week 7 in the TAST 2 Challenge is Rope Stitch --another new one to me.
To work this stitch it is like doing a twisted chain stitch but on an angle and it ends up looking like a rope--hence the name.
Here is my sample "sample"--now onto my official sampler.


Joei Rhode Island said...

She keeps coming up with more and more ... how do you see using this one. I can see lots of possibilities.

Penny said...

Heavens Doreen you have got onto this one quickly.
We have just arrived on the Gold Coast having begun the morning at 5 am, about to head for bed.

Maggi said...

It looks really good grouped together like that.

Sandy said...

You're fast. It looks good.

Stitching Lady said...

It does look good, your rope - In the small pictute it reminded me of a happy rainworm (please forgive me), enlarged I saw the colours and think it is a nice band