Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pandora's Box

On Thursday I was given  a small box approx 25cm long x 17cm wide x 4 cm deep (10" x 7"x 1.5" deep).
It was a very old box which had originally contained (as the box said) a  "Brassiere"- colour Tea Rose-size 40 and cost 11shillings and 6 pence.
Inside the box were a lot of crochet samples- very small and slightly discoloured.
They are beautiful but are firm to the touch.
There is a small ball of thread in the box as well and it has a rather course feel to it much like fine string.
This could be because of the length of time it has been hidden away in the box or maybe that was the type of thread used back in those days.
There was also about 6  instruction sheets from old doyleys with a coloured photo on it.
The brand name on most of them is Fautley's which I must admit I have never heard of before.
At a rough guess I would say that the contents are around 50/60 years old.
So here you are --take a look for yourself.
The box----

The contents-------------

The tin------------------------

Both opened------------------
What was inside the tin-------------------------

This was in the box- I think  it is a baby's bib-------------------

and these are the other things that were in the box----------------

The round piece is about the size of a bread and butter plate.
The beautiful little black motif is slightly damaged but it is so delicate.
I could look at these all day.


Dot said...

What a treasure Doreen! I could look at these all day too xx

Robin Mac said...

that is a real treasure trove. Will you be game to use the pieces? Cheers

Sharon said...

what wonderful treasures... They all as the little tin suggests "perfection"

Heather said...

All those tiny treasures - what a thrill. Are you going to mount them on something and give them new life by making something with them?

Penny said...

What a wonderful box of treasures.

Maggi said...

What a lovely collection. I'm sure that you will be able to give them a new life.

Nancy said...

Delightful treasures! Have fun. I know you will!

Gina E. said...

They are beautiful, Doreen - I'm glad that these things end up with people like you and me who will love them for many years to come!
BTW, did my envelope arrive?

Gina E. said...

Fautleys was a company based in Melbourne in the early 20th century, who produced stamped linens such as aprons, cloths, and doilies.

Sandy said...

What a treasure and so much fun to see.

Janet said...

In this case Pandora's box yielded some lovely little treasures!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Definitely treasures! I don't know why the term 'cluny lace' is coming to mind....must go & do some research!