I then did Free Machine Embroidery around the colours to add some texture.
The wool is mohair and some of it was very curly like Shirley Temple curls(when she was little that is).
I have cut the piece up to make a needle case.
The top photo will be the front --
The reason for the sorting this time is that I am sick of trying to be creative in a cluttered room.
How can I create what is going on in my head when I have this mess in front of me (and no I am not going to show you because I am too embarrased).
If you don't hear from me for several days you will know that I have been buried under it all.
But seriously I have to stop being a bower bird and keeping every little bit of "stuff" because I might use it one day.
This cleansing of my soul is doing me good.
The needle felting is beautiful. That will make such a pretty needle case.
I really must sort through all my stuff, too. I do the same thing....keep everything because I might need it one of these days!! I need to clear out the clutter in my studio so I can clear the clutter in my mind.
That felting looks really good, a few beads will finish it off nicely. Like you, I've been having a sort out in the workroom. Its taken me since Xmas to hit it here and there. But now I'm finished I can't tell you the difference it makes. I can find everything I need without having to sort through umpteen boxes first. So keep at it Doreen - you'll be glad you did!
Gorgeous piece of needlefelting! Love the colors and the stitching really looks great.
We're thinking the same again. Each time I go to the Quilt or Wearable groups, I'm bringing something to give away. It's a slow way to clear things out, but at least I'm doing something.
Sandy in La Center
Beautiful piece of needle felting. I look forward to seeing your needle case. Good luck on your organizing venture.
This is a beautiful piece. Your needlecase will be absolutely lovely.
Beautiful felting Doreen! Love the colors you have chosen. It will make such a lovely needle case.
The more I see felting the more I want to do it! Another creative endeavour to add to my very long list.
Well done on sorting out your creative space. I should do the same but am always worried if I throw something out I will ' need' it the next day.
I do need to find a way to store all of my pieces of fabric properly. And I have so much more after receiving your beautiful parcel!!
Oh this is beautiful... I love all the different colors you got into the felting piece... great work!
Oh HAND Needlefelting-I'm impressed! The felted fabric for you needle case is so colorful and delightful! I'm with you on the organized studio, the mind can at last focus on it's driving passion!
Lovely needlefelting Doreen, I took my machine to show the group at WA Embroiderers G & someone else brought along a Clover hand tool, (surprisingly effective) so people could try both.
Re tidy room: I seem to work in a permanent state of chaos. When I do have a sort out it lasts until I start working again and get out all the bits & pieces.
It looks beautiful! I look forward to seeing your needlecase when it's finished.
Your smashing piece of needle felting made me root out a simiiar piece I did last year, maybe I will attempt to do something with mine as well. An evening bag maybe! I will post a photo of it on my blog for you to see.
You are right Doreen I must leave more comments.
This is gorgeous Doreen!! Don't forget to show us the finished piece.
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