Happy New Year -gosh it only seems like yesterday when I was saying this for 2011 and now here we are heading into another year.
Where has the time gone?
Summing up the past year in one word I would say "contentment".
On the family side I could not wish for anything better--we have been on three wonderful holidays--our children are all enjoying life and the grandchildren are all growing up so fast it is scary.
On the creative side I have muddled along enjoying everything that I do without any dramas.
I keep saying that I will slow down but I never seem to.
I keep saying that I will lose weight but I never seem to.
I keep saying that I won't over commit myself with online classes but -------
So--what I really want to do is to thank each and every one of you who drop by my little space for taking the time to visit me.
You don't have to leave a comment (heaven knows I don't always leave comments on blogs that I visit) but the fact that you dropped by is important to me.
I have made lots of wonderful friends and have been lucky enough to have met a lot of you personally and the amazing thing is that we always feel as though we have known each other for a long time.
May I take this opportunity to wish each one of you a Happy New Year and I hope that you can all find happiness in 2012 no matter what you are searching for.
Don't ask me why blogger has put all the spaces between sentences--I have tried to correct it but he has a mind of his own----maybe he has been eating those "grumpy" pills again.
Happy New Year Mr.Blogger.