But every now and then I even surprise myself and make something new.
I know that all my Blogger friends in England will be laughing their heads off when they see this but it is a first for me.
Stephen and I were watching pay TV this afternoon and believe it or not we were watching one of those many English shows that are to do with buying or selling houses or Escape to the Country etc.--you know the ones that I am talking about.
Anyway this bloke and his girlfriend were making Toad in a Hole and Stephen said "now that looks great--I reckon I would like that"---"do you think you could make it"
(Stephen cannot eat onions as he is allergic to them so we eat normal meat and Vegs meals)
Could I make it--I didn't know so I hopped on the internet and Googled Toad in a Hole and Bingo there was the recipe---and another bingo later --Voila--Toad in a Hole".
I got carried away with how much I made (because there is only the two of us)-so I hope it reheats well or that it is nice to eat cold cold-but I made it and it was damn nice even if I do say so myself (and Stephen loved it ).
And here is my dinner ready to eat---smothered in gravy----mmmmm
So now if any of you English ladies come visit me I can always cook you Toad in a Hole for your meal :-))